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as we minister to the spiritual needs of Delaware inmates and ex-offenders

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Tim Heald
Tim HealdChaplain, Associate Director
Chaplain Tim ministers to men incarcerated in the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center
Steve Anderson
Steve AndersonChaplain
Chaplain Steve serves as a Facility Chaplain at Webb Correctional and Gander Hill Prison.
Chip Santa Barbara
Chip Santa BarbaraAftercare Chaplain
Chip serves as an Aftercare Chaplain for Broken Beginnings.

Please click on the following links for our monthly field reports/newsletters and to meet our other staff members.


The Prison Outreach of Delaware is making a difference in the lives of incarcerated individuals, families of inmates, and former inmates by teaching the gospel and giving hope.

…You really helped me through that time period of my life… [you] also gave a good example for what I want to do… working with teens who have had trouble.


This act tells me that I really need Jesus in my life to lead my steps and control my thoughts.  I surrender to His will. Not because I got caught but because I choose to LIVE instead of EXIST.


Inmates need some compassion and to hear that God can and will forgive them and change their life. Thank you so much for caring about the forgotten.

Inmate's Mom

Please visit this link to hear more testimonies from families and inmates.